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How Long to Leave 30 Volume Bleach on Roots of Hair?

Bleach is the go-to option when you’re looking to transform your locks or touch up roots, but the process has its risks if not done properly.

If you’re planning on a change in appearance, you need to know how long to leave 30-volume bleach on roots of the hair

That is essential to get the look you want while avoiding the potential hair damage associated with the bleaching process. In this article, we’ll examine the average times and several aspects of using 30-volume bleach on roots.

Can You Bleach Your Hair with 30 Volume?

can you bleach hair with 30 volume?

Yes, you can bleach your hair with a 30-volume developer.

Bleaching is a complex process with associated risks like follicle and scalp damage if not done correctly, for that reason, we recommend going to your preferred stylist to handle it.

With that said, bleaching your hair at home is also a possibility. However, we recommend you do a strand test before applying the bleach completely and monitor your hair throughout the process.

How Long to Leave Bleach on Roots with 30-Vol Developer?

how long to leave bleach on roots with 30 volume developer

The recommended average time to leave 30-volume developer on your hair roots is 10 to 20 minutes, depending on how light you want to go. 

If you leave the bleach for longer, it may lead to scalp irritation or even hair follicle damage. This happens because the developer uses a harsh chemical mix (including 9% hydrogen peroxide) to lighten the hair.

Can I Lighten My Roots with 30 Volume Developer without Bleach?

lighten roots with 30 volume developer without bleach

Using a 30 volume developer alone to light your roots won’t suffice. That is because the hydrogen peroxide in 30-volume developer isn’t strong enough to lighten the darker roots effectively.

Do not worry though, there are alternatives to achieve lighter hair without resorting to bleach!

Our favorite alternative is to use an ash toner or a color remover specifically designed for this purpose. They’re gentler than 30 volume developers, and they won’t damage or discolor your hair if used correctly.

So, How Long to Leave 30 Volume Bleach on the Roots of Hair?

Before beginning a hair bleaching trip, you should examine ‘how long to leave 30 volume bleach on roots of hair.

It’s crucial to remember not to leave 30-volume bleach on your roots for more than 20 minutes to avoid hair damage. To get the intended effect, all safety measures and instructions must be followed.

So, experiment with different looks, but always prioritize the health of your hair!


Can I bleach my hair roots with 30 Volume developer? 

Yes, you can. However, it’s not recommended to use a 30-vol developer to bleach hair roots as it can cause damage to your hair. Instead, use a lower-strength developer, such as 10 or 20 vol.

What are the potential risks of using 30 Vol bleach on roots? 

Potential risks of using 30-volume bleach include scalp irritation, dryness, and damage to your hair. So, you should always handle it with care, do patch tests, and follow all directions carefully to avoid these.

How long should I leave the bleach on my hair roots?

You should not leave the bleach on your hair roots for over 20 minutes. Leaving it on for too long can cause damage to your scalp and hair, including dryness, breakage, and discoloration.

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Alice Rawling

Alice Rawling is the chief editor of HairdoHairstyle. She's a hair stylist with over eight years of experience in LA. She has been featured in prestigious beauty magazines and online publications like Brides, Business Insider, Hairstyle Camp, BuzzFeed, Bustle, etc.