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Best Tips to Regrow Your Hair Naturally

Hair is an asset that most people take for granted until its lost. In present times we have seen a high prevalence of hair loss. Thus, hundreds of thousands of people invest huge chunks of money on medical and commercial products in a bid to halt and repair their receding hairline or cover bald patches. However, the best way to regrow hair is to do it naturally.

If you are wondering how to regrow hair safely and effectively, the truth is that you can stimulate hair regrowth naturally with some simple tips and tricks!


What Causes Hair Fall?

causes of hair fall

Before highlighting the magical ways of rejuvenating your scalp and strengthening your hair, it is crucial to learn what causes them to fall. Alopecia or hair loss can be widespread or limited to the scalp only. A wide variety of causes can lead up to alopecia, some of which we will discuss below:


You might suffer from hair loss due to your family history. The hair fall condition due to hereditary is termed androgenetic alopecia and develops in the later stage of life. Researchers have found at least seven genes associated with hair loss (especially in men). Thinning of hair and a receding hairline are usually the initial symptoms of this most common hair fall cause.


Hormonal Abruptions

In many cases, hormonal imbalances are the underlying cause of hair loss. Transient hair loss can present in expecting mothers, thanks to hormonal undulations. Studies show that pregnancy can cause hair loss.

Cessation of menstrual periods in women, i.e., menopause, is characterized by abnormal changes in hormonal levels. Derangement in estrogen levels might contribute to alopecia.

Thyroid dysfunction can present itself in the form of hair loss. Endocrine disorders cause different hormones’ values to vary, manifesting as diffuse hair loss.


Underlying Medical Conditions

Alopecia areata is an auto-immune disorder in which the immune cells attack the hair follicles leading to hair loss. Patients usually notice bald patches on the head. Ringworm infestations in the scalp can be devastating for your hair. A number of patients suffer from hair loss due to ringworms.

Kids suffering from trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder) will likely face hair loss due to pulling off their hair.



Medicines prescribed for depression, hypertension, and arthritis may trigger hair loss as a side effect. The effect of the drugs goes away at the cessation of medications.


Tips to Regrow Hair Naturally

Hair loss has a direct impact on personality and self-confidence. The following is a list of viable home remedies that will answer your concern about how to regrow hair and stimulate hair growth:

Stay Hydrated

drinking water to regrow hair naturally

Dehydration can prove to be an enemy of your silky, dark hair. Severe dehydration is a triggering factor for hair loss in children. Drinking copious amounts of water is a good idea after all. The water that you drink keeps your scalp hydrated and fresh. Thus, a simple way of rejuvenating the scalp is pumping good volumes of water.


Scalp Massage

Massaging your scalp is an effective way to promote hair regrowth. Studies have shown that scalp massage triggers the skin cells (dermal papilla cells) to reproduce new hair. The stretching forces from a standardized scalp massage can increase hair thickness and volume.

Massage also improves blood flow in the region, leading to better delivery of nutrients to the hair follicles. Enhanced blood flow allows a better regrowth of hair.


Aloe Vera

use aloe vera to regrow hair naturally

Despite all efforts, your hair follicles might not sprout up due to clogging with oil. Unblocking the hair follicles is necessary for hair regrowth. Aloe vera reduces dandruff and unblocks the follicles, and soothes the scalp. Studies show that aloe vera application on the head and scalp can cure alopecia and promote hair growth.


Rose Water

Rose water is a potent herbal product used in natural hair growth cosmetics. It serves as an effective moisturizer for the scalp.

The anti-inflammatory properties of rose water are also commendable. It can halt the hair loss process by preventing aging. Furthermore, the vitamin-rich water (vitamins A, B, and C) prevents excessive oil production on the scalp, thus, keeping it dandruff-free.


Coconut Oil

coconut oil for regrowth of hair naturally


Studies suggest coconut oil prevents hair breakage and damage and promotes shiny and silky hair production. The topical application of the oil makes the hair follicles more robust and healthier.

The lauric acid (fatty acid) present inside the oil also reduces protein loss from the scalp and hair. Thus, it promotes natural hair regrowth.


Geranium Oil

Oil extracted from this fragrant plant will bless your nose and boost hair growth. The purple plant carries a lot of potential in promoting hair regeneration by making them long and healthy. Geranium extracts can increase the activity of human dermal papilla cells leading to significant hair growth.

Due to its hair regenerative, and anti-inflammatory properties, the essential oil is frequently becoming a part of natural dermatological hair products.


Rosemary Oil

Interestingly, rosemary oil promotes the growth of bacteria and fungi on the scalp, but don’t worry; these are the good ones, i.e., the scalp microbiome. This enrichment of the scalp microbiome provides an ideal environment for the proliferation of new follicles.


Onion Juice

onion juice for regrowth of hair naturally

Cutting an onion makes you cry, but its benefits in hair growth will make you laugh joyfully. Onion juice is one of the most effective of all the natural items in promoting hair regeneration. The topical application of onion juice shows noticeable hair regrowth, making it an excellent natural method to manage alopecia areata.


Lemon Juice/Oil

Fresh lemon juice can instantly rehydrate you. Consuming lemon juice also has significant positivity for your scalp and skin. The topical application of lemon oil (Citrus limon essential oil) can reduce the oxidative stress of the skin/scalp. Lemon extract is also an active component of the polyherbal shampoo designed to promote hair growth.


Fish Oil Supplements

Taking fish oil capsules can strengthen your hair and skin from the inside. Fish oil is full of omega fatty acids that are known for their anti-inflammatory properties.

Research shows that omega fats 3 and 6 reduce hair loss while improving hair density. A study found that fish oil derived from mackerel triggered the proliferation of dermal papilla cells leading to noticeable hair regrowth.



ginseng for regrowth of hair naturally

The herb ginseng is known for its multiple therapeutic benefits. Different types of ginseng have shown promising results in promoting hair regrowth. But how to regrow hair using ginseng?

Well, you can consume ginseng in the form of a dietary supplement. As per a study, the metabolites of ginseng improve the health of your scalp and hair follicles. Another study identified a hair growth-promoting effect of red ginseng.

The ginsenosides (chemicals) in Panax ginseng have an effect similar to minoxidil in promoting hair regrowth. Red ginseng oil protects against UV radiation and makes hair healthy.


Marine Protein Supplement

You can also try natural supplements to promote hair volume on your head. Visvical is an all-natural growth supplement prepared from shark, mollusk powder, and cherries.

According to a randomized controlled trial, this oral supplement is ideal for women with temporary hair thinning. This oral marine protein supplement (due to marine animal derivatives) significantly lowers hair shedding and promotes hair growth.


Dietary Modifications

A wide variety of foods can strengthen your follicles and nourish your scalp. Eggs are a rich source of the protein biotin, which is responsible for hair growth. Biotin deficiency has a direct link with increased hair fall. Eggs are also replete with micronutrients and minerals (selenium, zinc, etc.) that promote hair growth.

Other grow-promoting foods include fatty fish, spinach, potatoes (sweet), and berries. In general, vitamin-rich foods positively impact the nourishment of the scalp and hair quality.


Hair Mask

using hair mask to regrow hair naturally

Applying a natural hair mask has shown good regeneration in alopecia patients. People with dry hair can make a mask from coconut oil, eggs, lemons, and yogurt. Egg and yogurt masks are most frequently used to promote follicle activity. Apple cider vinegar mask is capable of strengthening the scalp.


Avoid Excessive Hair Dryer/Blow Dryer Usage

A fairly common mistake that leads to hair loss in healthy individuals is the heat from blow dryers. Overheating can cause scalp irritation,  frizziness, and damage to the hair shaft, leading to breakages.

To prevent hair loss and damage to the scalp, you must avoid overheating curling machines, hair straighteners, and blow dryers.



The following are some frequently asked questions relating to hair regrowth.

Is It Possible to Regrow Hair Naturally?

Yes, you can regrow hair naturally, but it takes effort and patience. Several natural remedies can help prevent hair loss and effectively induce hair regrowth. If you are experiencing extreme hair loss, it is essential to visit a dermatologist to determine the underlying reasons for hair loss.


Does derma roller work for hair regrowth?

There is limited evidence that handheld devices (derma rollers) regrow hair. The rollers are only effective in conjunction with micro-needling and PRP procedures.


Do hair regrowth products really work?

Hair products containing minoxidil are effective in increasing hair volume. You’ll typically only see results after about six months of using it, although it starts working immediately.


Can hair regrowth cause itching?

Generally, hair regrowth is not linked to itching. However, you might be itching if the new hair gets trapped under the skin.


Hair regrowth vs. breakage – what’s the difference?

The most effective way to differentiate between hair regrowth and breakage is by examining your hair closely and determining the length of the strands. Strands that are of the same length indicate new hair growth. In contrast, split ends and blunt hair might be signs of breakage.


Does onion help regrow hair?

Yes, onion juice has remarkable hair regrowth potential due to its sulfur content. Twice daily application of onion juice can stimulate hair regrowth in 4-6 weeks.


What stimulates hair follicles to regrow hair?

Biotin protein, vitamins (especially D), and topical application of essential and homemade hair oils stimulate hair follicles to regrow hair.


Can egg regrow hair?

Eggs contain the proteins and minerals necessary for hair growth and development. Applying eggs to your scalp every day can provide your hair roots with the vitamins that will strengthen the follicles and prevent breakage and shedding.


In the quest of how to regrow hair naturally, we found out that there are plenty of practical ways. Different topical preparations, simple dietary modifications, and lifestyle changes can go a long way to stop further hair loss and promote noticeable hair regrowth.